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σιγήσαθ’ ἡμῖν καὶ συνεκπονήσατε
φυγάς. καλόν τοι γλῶσσ’ ὅτῳ πιστὴ παρῇ.
Keep quiet for us and help us work out our escape. It is good for people to have a loyal tongue.
Euripides Iphigenia in Tauris 1063-4 (55)
σωθεῖσα δ’, ὡς ἂν καὶ σὺ κοινωνῇς τύχης,
σώσω σ’ ἐς Ἑλλάδ’. ἀλλὰ πρός σε δεξιᾶς
σὲ καὶ σὲ ἱκνοῦμαι, σὲ δὲ φίλης παρηίδος,
γονάτων τε καὶ τῶν ἐν δόμοισι φιλτάτων
μητρὸς πατρός τε καὶ τέκνων ὅτῳ κυρεῖ.
Once I've been rescued I will save you too and take you to Greece so that you can share in my good luck. Now, I beseech you, by your right hand, I beseech you and you too, and you by your dear cheek, and by your knees, and by your loved ones at home - your mother, your father, and children if you have them.
Euripides Iphigenia in Tauris 1069-73 (56)
"καὶ ὅτῳ δοκεῖ ταῦτ’,” ἔφη, “ἀνατεινάτω τὴν χεῖρα".
And whoever agrees should raise his hand.
Xenophon Anabasis 3.2.9 (63)
δεῖ δ’ ὑμᾶς, ὦ ἄνδρες Ἀθηναῖοι, ἐξ ἀρχῆς τῶν πραγμάτων ἁπάντων ἀκοῦσαι, ἵν’ εἰδῆτε πρῶτον μὲν ᾧ τρόπῳ ὑμῖν ἡ δημοκρατία κατελύθη καὶ ὑφ’ ὅτου, ἔπειτα ᾧ τρόπῳ οἱ ἄνδρες ὑπ’ Ἀγοράτου ἀπέθανον, καὶ δὴ ὅ τι ἀποθνῄσκειν μέλλοντες ἐπέσκηψαν·
Gentlemen of Athens, you must hear everything from the beginning so that you can know first the way in which democracy was dissolved, and at whose hands it was done, and secondly the way in which these men died at the hands of Agoratus and what their instructions were at the point of death.
Lysias Against Agoratus 13.3 (195)
ἐξέδου κόρην / ὅτῳ σε θυμὸς ἦγεν.
You gave your daughter to the man your heart told you.
Euripides Medea 309-310 (477)
εἰ δὲ μή, πολὺ κάλλιον τοὺς μὲν κειμένους νόμους ἐξαλεῖψαι, ἑτέρους δὲ θεῖναι, οἵτινες τοὺς μὲν φυλάττοντας τὰς ἑαυτῶν γυναῖκας ταῖς ζημίαις ζημιώσουσι, τοῖς δὲ βουλομένοις εἰς αὐτὰς ἁμαρτάνειν πολλὴν ἄδειαν ποιήσουσι.
Otherwise, it would be much better to scrub out the current laws, and write new ones, which will punish those who are protecting their own wives, while granting immunity to those who wish to do them harm.
Lysias 1.48 (521)

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