Selected publications available for download
- Review of Markopoulos (T.) The Future in Greek: from Ancient to Medieval [pdf]
in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 2011. Volume 131, p. 281. Copyright © The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies 2011
- Outis and what he can tell us about negation in Homeric Greek [pdf]
ms. final draft,
now published in Paul Millett, S. P. Oakley and R. J. E. Thompson (eds), 2011, Ratio Et Res Ipsa: Classical Essays Presented By Former Pupils To James Diggle On His Retirement (Cambridge:CUP)
- Not in the mood: modality and negation in the history of
Greek [pdf]
ms. of paper given at 29th Annual Meeting of the Department of
Linguistics, Thessaloniki
- The
semantics of negative directives in Homeric Greek: a typological
account [pdf] ms. final draft, now published in Putzu, I. Paulis, G.,
Nieddu, G, Cuzzolin, P (eds), 2010, La morfologia del greco tra
tipologia e diacronia. Atti del VII Incontro internazionale di
linguistica greca (Milan: Franco Angeli)
- Modality of English conditional sentences: the evidence
from ancient Greek [pdf] ms. final draft, now published in Facchinetti R.
and A. Tsangalidis (eds), 2009, Studies on English Modality
(Bern: Peter Lang)
- The
'potential' optative in Homeric Greek [pdf]
ms. final draft, now published in Cambridge Classical Journal 54. (2008)
- Not in the mood: modality and negation in the history of Greek hand-out for talk given at Continuity and Change in Grammar, Cambridge, March 2008
- On mapping the modality of conditional sentences hand-out for talk given at 3rd International Conference on Modality in English, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2007
- Reality Bites: Conditional Sentences in Plato's Protagoras hand-out for talk given for Linguistics Seminar, Cambridge Classics
Faculty, October 2006