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πρῶτον μὲν οὖν ἡμῖν τοῦτ’ αὐτὸ ἀπόκριναι, εἰ ἀληθῆ λέγομεν φάσκοντές σε ὡμολογηκέναι πολιτεύσεσθαι καθ’ ἡμᾶς ἔργῳ ἀλλ’ οὐ λόγῳ, ἢ οὐκ ἀληθῆ.
First then, answer this question, whether we speak the truth or not when we say that you agreed, not in word, but by your acts, to live in accordance with us.
Plato Crito 52d

Further examples of constructions illustrated by this sentence: