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Εὐκλείδης: ζῶντι καὶ μάλα μόλις· χαλεπῶς μὲν γὰρ ἔχει καὶ ὑπὸ τραυμάτων τινῶν, μᾶλλον μὴν αὐτὸν αἱρεῖ τὸ γεγονὸς νόσημα ἐν τῷ στρατεύματι.
Τερψίων: μῶν ἡ δυσεντερία;
Εὐκλείδης: ναί.
Eucleides: Alive but only just. He is suffering badly from some injuries, but even more worryingly he has been struck by the illness that has broken out in the army.
Terpsion: I hope you don't mean dysentery?
Eucleides: Well, actually, yes
Plato Theaetetus 142b

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